Support Us

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. 

Hebrews 13: 16

Thank you very much for your partnership and support which enables us to continue spreading the Gospel in Afghanistan and Pakistan and strengthening the local fellowships. The financial demand on supporting our brothers and sisters is increasing and we praise God for his gracious provision in caring for them.

Financial provision is greatly appreciated and necessary and we have provided more details below. We leave this up to you in your prayerful consideration.

We also greatly appreciate the prayers and support of others in this work. We cannot operate as the body of Christ without his love and the love we need to share with one another. Please continue to pray and also tell others about this ministry.

If you are able to support us financially the best way to donate money is by direct bank transfer (from UK banks) as we will receive 100% of your donation. However, we have to option to donate using PayPal if you are not from the UK or prefer the convenience of it. Any gift, no matter the size or frequency is received with great appreciation and love.

Bank details:

Mountain Springs Ministries
Barclays Bank Plc